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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-07-25 21:12:06   瀏覽次數(shù):次   作者:ignet

advertise [??dv?rta?z]vt.①為……做告白,傳播 ②(在報(bào)章雜志、電視、播送中的)公布,頒布


The company advertised its goods in the local newspapers. 該公司在本地白報(bào)紙上為商品做告白。It’s simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product. 傳播實(shí)行如許傷害的產(chǎn)物實(shí)足是不品德的。Religious groups are currently not allowed to advertise on television. 暫時(shí)遏止宗教大眾在電視上做告白。The company is spending heavily to advertise its strongest brands. 該公司在花重金為其最強(qiáng)勢(shì)的品牌做告白。Choose a color that represents what you advertise. 采用一個(gè)能代辦你所傳播的貨色的臉色。


advertise goods for sale 登告白出賣貨色

advertise a house for rent 登告白出租汽車屋子

advertise a child as lost 登走失小孩的啟示

advertise for …in the newspaper/on TV 在白報(bào)紙/電視上登告白找……

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